Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


UKPN and APECS Russia Presidents Archana Dayal and Yulia Zaika meet at Polar2018 to continue to build links and collaborations between UK and RussiaThe UK Polar Network and APECS Russia, national committees (NCs) of APECS (Association of Polar Early Career Scientists), collaborated on organizing activities in 2017-18 with mutual interests benefiting early career researchers from the UK and Russia. The NCs organized 2 workshops in Moscow and Cambridge in February and March 2018, which saw an exchange of 20 Arctic early career researchers with a focus on learning about working in the Russian Arctic in the future. These were funded and organized in collaboration with the NCs national bodies - NERC Arctic Office, British Antarctic Survey, UK Science and Innovation Network, Marine Research Centre and Geography faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University and Embassies.

This resulted in some unique and great deliverables, including a publication of a joint opinion piece in Nature ( and the creation of a website (, a great resource in-the-making for further research and outreach opportunities.

In order to continue and build on this collaboration, the NCs have recently successfully submitted and won a joint funding bid to the Foreign Commonwealth Office for an interdisciplinary field course workshop in the Russian Arctic, to be organized in February – March 2019.

The NCs are extremely grateful to have been mentored by APECS Executive Committee and Council members over the years, who have provided their guidance and support in all their endeavors. They therefore commit to cooperate, foster links and build relationships for future scientific advancements and progress.

UK Polar Network President – Archana Dayal
APECS Russia President – Yulia Zaika


UKPN and APECS Russia polar early career researchers meet at Polar2018 for a meeting

Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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