The X International Polar Week and the I Workshop on Career Development occurred between 17 and 20 September 2013 at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, and RJ, BRAZIL. There were two round tables, 5 lectures, 6 oral presentations and 14 short courses with an average of 12 participants per course.
We rely on presence by over 100 people in the four-day event all together with 80 teachers and 6000 students that could virtually participated via live streaming. We also found that more than 7300 people have been reached by APECS-Brazil website ( and fan-page on Facebook ( where we posted pictures of the activities performed during the event. It means that an average of 1,800 people per event day followed the information published by the website and Facebook, which was used as a mean support for dissemination the activities. We had over 20 schools throughout Brazil (from the Amazon to the Rio Grande do Sul) involved in these activities. The recorded lectures during the X SPI and I WDC will be edited and distributed to participating schools and for schools that did not access the virtual activities due to technical problems. The abstract book is available on
On the last day of the event the Association of Ocean and Pole Early Career Researchers and Educators (APECS-Brazil) was made official with the presentation of the Foundation Act and the Statute of the Association.
As additional products a lecture on the Graduate Program in Education, management and science divulgation was made by Ma Ines Tavernier from Belgium, two additional virtual lectures by prof. Dr Jose Xavier to schools in Rio Grande do Sul, five lectures in schools in São Paulo (Dr Jose Xavier, Dr Sandra Freiberger, Ma Francyne Piera) and a lecture attendance in school in Rio de Janeiro (Dr Jose Xavier, Dr. Schneider Erli Costa, Ma Elaine Alves). Dr Jose Xavier also presented two lectures during the Brazilian Symposium on Antarctic Research in São Paulo, Dr Fernanda Quaglio presented APECS-Brazil during this event. The work during the Polar Week activities in the Amazon has been presented by Ma Francyne Elias Piera. Because of all those information’s, all the objectives and proposals set out by the event were fully achieved.