Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


Communicating science to a variety of audiences is an important skill all researchers have to learn. Whether you want to tweet about your current research project, create a podcast, give a talk to peers at a scientific conference, give an interview for the media or explaining your research to a school class, science communication is part of a researchers' everyday life. This workshop, led by the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) in partnership with Arctic Frontiers and the High North Academy, introduced participants to learning how to effectively communicate their science focusing on two main parts:

1) Using Social Media to Communicate your research: Using twitter, blogs or podcasts are fun and effective ways to communicate your research. In this part of the workshop, we will be talking about how you can do this and what possibilities are out there.

2) Media Training: This part introduced participants to insights on how to communicate their science to the media. It also introduced them to the work of journalists, how they find a good scientific story and how they condense the complicated scientific research into a language that is understandable to the general public. Speakers for this part were experts in journalism/ communication and journalists.

The workshop was open to all participants of Arctic Frontiers 2015 and anyone at the UiT - The Arctic University of Norway and the Norwegian Polar Institute and was free of charge.

14:00 - 14:05                Welcome
Introduction to the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS)
Speaker: Gerlis Fugmann (APECS / UiT) 
14:05 - 14:10 Introduction to the High North Academy at UiT
Speaker: Ole Nicolai Aarbakke 
14:10 - 14:40  Knowledge Communication? Back to the Ears! An Introduction to Podcasting
Speaker: Katrin Leinweber (University of Konstanz, Germany) 
14:40 - 14:45  Questions 
14:45 - 15:20  Public outreach in a peer-reviewed world: Twitter and blogging for researchers
Speaker: Tom Fries (Arctic Council Secretariat, Norway) 
15:20 - 15:25  Questions 
15:25 - 15:40  The Svalbard Science Forum
Speaker: Karoline Bælum (Svalbard Science Forum) 
15:40 - 16:10  Scientists and journalists - how can we help each other
Speaker: Malin Avenius (Freelance Science Journalist, Sweden) 
16:10 - 16:15  Questions 
16:15 - 17:00  Communicating Science: Don't Be Such a Scientist
Speaker: Tom Yulsman (University of Colorado, USA) 
17:00 - 17:15  Questions and Workshop Conclusion 

Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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