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19 Aug 2024
SCAR Open Science Conference 2024

iassa logo1The new locations of the IASSA Secretariat and ICASS X (2020) represent a unique collaborative effort between two institutions in the United States and Russia. From September 2017 to August 2020 the IASSA Secretariat will be housed at the University of Northern Iowa (UNI) in Cedar Falls, USA, while ICASS X in 2020 will be hosted by at the Northern (Arctic) Federal University (NARFU) in Arkhangelsk, RUSSIA.

The University of Northern Iowa is an emerging hub of Arctic social sciences research in the USA: the Arctic, Remote and Cold Territories Interdisciplinary Center (ARCTICenter) has been established at the University in 2015 to recognize the rapid growth of Arctic research on campus. It now manages multiple Arctic research projects and serves as a home for two NSF Arctic social sciences research coordination networks (Arctic-FROST and Arctic-COAST), as well as for other Arctic cooperation initiatives. The Center’s strategic vision focuses on interdisciplinary, integrative, international initiatives with the emphasis on Arctic social sciences, sustainability research and community well-being studies. Center contributed to such hallmark international projects as Arctic Social Indicators, Arctic Human Development Report, Arctic Resilience Report, ECONOR and others. The Center is directed by Dr. Andrey N. Petrov.

New faces in IASSA Secretariat

First of all, many thanks to the Umea IASSA Secretariat! Peter, Gabriella, Linus and other Secretariat staff at Umea provided excellent service and support to the association, and it will be a hard act to follow. The new Secretariat will try to do its best. Please, meet our team:

Andrey N. Petrov, IASSA President:
I am a social scientist with a ‘circumpolar’ career: I was born, raised and educated in Russia, received my PhD in Canada (Toronto) and now work as Associate Professor of Geography and Director of the ARCTICenter at the University of Northern Iowa, USA. In addition to my two terms on the IASSA Council (2011-2017), I have served as a Vice-Chair and U.S. Representative on the IASC Social & Human Sciences Working Group (since 2017) and as the Chair of the Polar Geography Specialty Group of the American Association of Geographers (2015-2017).
My research primarily focuses on economic issues in northern communities and policies of regional development in the Arctic. I study human-environment relationships and Arctic socio-ecological systems as well. I lead a number of circumpolar research initiatives, most importantly the international research coordination networks in Arctic sustainability (Arctic-FROST) and coastal resilience (Arctic-COAST). I have also been a lead contributor to Arctic Social Indicators, Arctic Human Development Report, Arctic Belmont, Arctic Horizons and other major international and interdisciplinary projects.

Ann P. Crawford, IASSA Secretary:
I am an administrative assistant in the Geography Department at the University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa, USA. I was born and raised in Iowa and am still here! My grandparents came from Denmark to Cedar Falls in the early 1900’s. Even though I was not raised in Cedar Falls but in a small town of 800 people in Southeastern Iowa, I find a true connection to my Danish heritage and enjoy the international connections that have been made available to me in this job.
I work with special projects within the Geography department, including the ARCTICenter. My academic background, although in social sciences, does not directly fit this position with a bachelor’s degree in Social Work and a bachelor’s degree in Gerontology. I do however, have a strong belief that education is never lost and I use what I have learned in those fields all of the time. I have always loved winter and cold weather so I am happy to be working with programs about the Arctic.

IASSA Secretariat Staff:
Graduate assistants: Grant Burke: (Membership & Data), Varvara Korkina (Indigenous and Early Career Engagement), Christopher Pierce (Newsletter production), Matthew Ruiz (Social Media/Website).

Please send all correspondence and entries to the IASSA listserv and Northern Notes to Ann Crawford: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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