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ArcticPASSION Logo D3 shortArctic PASSION: Pan-Arctic Observing System of Systems: Implementing Observations for Societal Needs

Project Duration: 2021-2025

Arctic PASSION is an EU-funded Horizon 2020 project that aims to co-create and implement an Arctic observing system that is tuned to address the urgent needs of people living in the Arctic and that has relevance to the global society.

A coherent integrated pan-Arctic Observing System of Systems shall monitor ongoing environmental changes, reduce uncertainty in predicting future system changes, as well as  give support for risk assessment, mitigation and adaptation measures. The high-quality Earth observation information will be unrestricted available and serve as the basis for evidence-based economic, policy, investment and management. That all strengthens the societal decisions we make for a safe, sustainable and prosperous Arctic.

To achieve this, the holistic Arctic PASSION project brings together researchers, stakeholders, local and indigenous communities, economy and governments. 

Learning from each other and integrating all knowledge will let us take the next step towards a sustainable development in the Arctic and globally.

Find out more about Arctic PASSION on the project website:


euflagArctic PASSION has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.

APECS involvement in Arctic PASSION

APECS is co-leading Work Package 9 “Connecting the pan-AOSS with society through communication, dissemination, and engagement”, together with GRID-Arendal. By offering training and learning opportunities in a co-creative process, APECS and its partners are promoting the dialogue with early career researchers, Arctic youth and other stakeholders.

Specifically, we plan to organize:

  • Arctic PASSION School
  • Webinars on project's related topics (Arctic observations, Arctic environmental change, international collaborations, Arctic and indigenous communities etc.)


Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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