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242 Carla Tapia BaldisFreepik International Online Conference 2021 Banner© created by Carla Tapia Baldis /Freepik

The Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) organized the 7th annual APECS International Online Conference which took place on Wednesday, 12th May 2021. This year’s theme “Polar Science: Success Stories from the Field and from Home” aimed to involve polar and alpine researchers from around the world.

The theme was designed to encourage contributions from those whose research has been impacted by Covid-19 and had to develop new directions with their research. It also acknowledged that some were able to carry out fieldwork, and so also gives a space for them to showcase their research. The conference was an opportunity for new research to be presented and connections to be made across polar research. After what has been a difficult year for everyone around the world, we wanted to celebrate and learn from your stories related to the polar and alpine regions that happened in 2020. We heard both success stories and stories of learning from failure. The ultimate goal of the project wass to unite the ECR community in a collegial and learning experience organized under the 7th annual APECS Online Conference.

APECS International Online Conference 2021 prize winners

The 7th APECS International Online Conference was held on 12th of May 2021. This year’s theme was: “Polar Science: Success stories from the field and from home.” and the event ran over 10 hours to accommodate contributions from all timezones. The abstracts and session recordings of all 41 oral presentations and 11 poster presentations can be found below.

Including those of the following prize winners for each category!

  • Alpine:
    Felipe Ugalde, University of Chile, Chile - Fieldwork through COVID-19? Getting results during pandemic in the Chilean Andes in the 2020-2021 summer season - Session 4

  • Antarctic:
    Nuno Pereira, Polytechnic Institute of Beja, Portugal - AIM Antarctic Induced Music - Session 4

  • Arctic:
    Deborah Bozzato
    , University of Groningen, The Netherlands - Smelly molecules and phytoplankton - Session 4
    Erin McLean
    , Arctic Data Center, USA - Highlight curated collections of data through portals on the Arctic Data Center - Session 6

  • Collaboration:
    Cristiane Caetano
    , Institute of Biology, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Polar science outreach in Brazil: online resources during the pandemic scenario of COVID-19 -
    Session 6

  • Poster:
    Ludovic Landry-Ducharme, University de Quebec a Rimouski, Canada - Seasonal habitat selection in Arctic hares: explaining mass movements on Ellesmere Island - Session 6

APECS congratulates the prize winners, all of whom have won funds towards future conference travel.

A very big thank you to our keynote speaker, Daniela Liggett (University of Canterbury), who opened the conference with a bang talking about the Antarctic COVID-19 project.

We are also grateful to all the presenters and volunteers who made the conference possible. Also thank you to all audience members for making the day a huge success!

Best wishes from the APECS International Online Conference 2021 project group!

Session 1

Session Chair: Maud van Soest, Louise Borthwick

Session Coordinators: Florian Vidal, Despina Gotsidou, Montgomery Hall, Victoria Heinrich

Time: 12 May 2021 from 7:30 - 10:00 GMT



APECS International Online Conference 2021 - Polar Science: Success Stories from the Field and from Home - Session 1 from APECS Webinars on Vimeo.

Session 2

Session Chair: Maud van Soest, Louise Borthwick, Rahul Dey

Session Coordinators: Charlie Hewitt, Megan Marjan, Anna Burdenski, Tegan Forward

Time: 12 May from 10:30 - 12:30 GMT


Poster Q + A 1: 12:05 - 12:30 GMT


APECS International Online Conference 2021 - Polar Science: Success Stories from the Field and from Home - Session 2 from APECS Webinars on Vimeo.

Session 3

Session Chair: Maud van Soest, Louise Borthwick

Session Coordinators: Charlie Hewitt, Jéssica Campos, Sakshi Mankotia

Time: 12 May from 13:00 - 15:00 GMT



APECS International Online Conference 2021 - Polar Science: Success Stories from the Field and from Home - Session 3 from APECS Webinars on Vimeo.

Session 4

Session Chair: Maud van Soest, Louise Borthwick, Rahul Dey

Session Coordinators: Leonie Bronkalla, Yue Bai, Iulia Nita, Pablo Almela

Time: 12 May from 15:30 - 17:30 GMT



Poster Q + A 2: 17:05 - 17:30 GMT


APECS International Online Conference 2021 - Polar Science: Success Stories from the Field and from Home - Session 4 from APECS Webinars on Vimeo.

Session 5

Session Chair: Maud van Soest, Louise Borthwick

Session Coordinators: Ben Graves, Deborah Bozzato, Cristina Casero, Thomas Chen

Time: 12 May from 18:00 - 20:00 GMT



APECS International Online Conference 2021 - Polar Science: Success Stories from the Field and from Home - Session 5 from APECS Webinars on Vimeo.

Session 6

Session Chair: Maud van Soest, Louise Borthwick, Carla Tapia Baldis, Sidney Horlick

Session Coordinators: Ben Graves, Kathrin Bennett, Valeria Trezza

Time: 12 May from 20:30 - 22:30 GMT



Poster Q + A 3: 22:05 - 22:30 GMT


APECS International Online Conference 2021 - Polar Science: Success Stories from the Field and from Home - Session 6 from APECS Webinars on Vimeo.

Organizing Committee

Listed alphabetically:

  • Anika Happe
  • Carla Tapia Baldis
  • Carrie Harris
  • Claudia Maturana
  • Florent Fayolle
  • Gabriela Roldan (ExCom Ex-officio)
  • Gwenaëlle Gremion
  • Hugo Guímaro
  • Jan-Lukas Menzel
  • Javier Arnaut
  • Joana Fragão
  • Kelly Huh
  • Louise Borthwick
  • Maria Pogojeva
  • Mathieu Casado
  • Maud van Soest
  • Minkyoung Kim
  • Rahul Dey
  • Rodrigo Gomez Fell
  • Sakshi Mankotia
  • Scarlett Zetter
  • Scott Sugden
  • Shalaka Patil
  • Sidney Horlick
  • Trym Eiterjord

Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any questions or comments. We are happy to help!

Copyrights / Intellectual Property

  1. Each abstract submission must be original and unpublished for commercial or non-commercial purposes.
  2. The participant shall retain the copyright to entries entered for the conference, however grants APECS unrestricted rights to use and edit submitted materials as needed for organizational purposes with or without explicit attribution.
  3. By submitting an entry for the competition, the participant will be regarded as having accepted and agreed to be bound by the rules and regulations and granted the organizer, APECS, royalty-free permissions to use any entry for promotional, commercial, or educational purposes. APECS will credit the creator for any use of a video/infographic/artwork.
  4. All participants should be aware that all plots, photos, films, etc. used in presentations, if not produced by the presenter, should acknowledge the producer. Please include copyright of the material used when appropriate.
  5. Any people featured in films must also accept and agree with the rules and regulations of this competition. All people in the film must be aware of the materials you are submitting if they contain their likeness. It is the entire and sole responsibility of the entry submitter in the competition to inform and to obtain the appropriate legal permissions of all the people in any submitted videos. Any depiction of minors must include explicit, written parental consent. Entries will be asked to provide proof of these permissions and will be disqualified if these permissions are not secured.  
  6. If music is used, the participant warrants that to no copyright violations will appear. (You can find a lot of free music for commercial use.) Entries will be asked to provide proof of these permissions and will be disqualified if these permissions are not secured.
  7. The participant further gives his consent that his/her personal data included in the submission will be used for the aforementioned purposes.

Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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