Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


APECS is happy to be able to link early career researchers with organisations interested in the polar regions, and whenever possible APECS sends a APECS representative to meetings on interest.Although we can usually only send one APECS member to a meeting, it is our goal to share information meetings and workshops with our wider membership.

In this section you will find the reports and summaries submitted by our APECS reps in order to share meeting topics and outcomes with our wider membership. You can also see them in the APECS News

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© Fiona Tummon, Francisco Fernandoy, ECMWF, Cynthia Sassenroth

CAFF-CBMP- Freshwater Expert Network workshop

CBMP wkspThe Arctic Freshwater Biodiversity Monitoring steering committee held a 3-day workshop in Sonnerupgaard, Denmark October 5-8th, 2015. This workshop provided the opportunity for the freshwater expert network to coordinate their efforts on an international level to ensure consistency in assessment and reporting efforts during the creation of the first national State of Arctic Freshwater Biodiversity Reports (SAFBR), due to be completed in 2017. The freshwater expert network consists of nearly 30 scientists from 8 countries representing most the circumpolar member states. The group has a large breadth of expertise, covering both river and lake ecology, from plankton, macrophysics, to invertebrates, through to fish. 

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APECS participates in ELOKA 'Sharing Knowledge' Workshop in Boulder, CO (USA)

ELOKA2015 GroupPicThe ELOKA Workshop Sharing Knowledge: Traditions, Technologies and Taking Control of Our Future took place from September 22-24th 2015 in sunny Boulder, Colorado (USA). ELOKA is an US National Science Foundation funded project initiated during the IPY (2007/08), based at the National Snow and Ice Data Centre (NSIDC) at the University of Colorado at Boulder. This project has hosted a variety of workshops across North America since its inception, as it is in its Phase III and currently aiming for renewal (Phase IV) to continue to implement its objectives;

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APECS at CAFF Board Meeting in Whitehorse, Yukon

caff biennial group photoConservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF) is a working group of the Arctic Council and the most recent board meeting was February 10-12th, 2015 in Whitehorse. As an APECS Canada Board Member based in Whitehorse I was able to attend the meeting. APECS had been invited to send representatives to various meetings of CAFF since 2011 and was very welcomed at this meeting.

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Arctic Snow cover workshop in Copenhagen

Snow meeting 2014 1Three APECS members, Ludovic Brucker, Stine Højlund Pedersen, and Heather Mariash, were selected to participate in the workshop "Arctic Snow Cover Changes and their Consequences" held in Copenhagen on 16th and 17th of October, 2014.

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APECS at the AMAP Working Group Meeting

Nikolaus Gantner at AMAP Meeting 3The 28th Working Group meeting of the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program under the Arctic Council took place in Whitehorse, Yukon September 15-18. Canada chairs the Arctic Council in 2013-2015, and is this hosting a variety of Working Group meetings across Canada’s North. In Whitehorse, the AMAP working group meeting was held in conjunction with a meeting of the Working Group on the Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment (PAME).

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Climate and Cryosphere project is creating unrivaled opportunities for APECS members

The annual Climate and Cryosphere Project (CliC) scientific steering group meeting was hosted by the WMO, Geneva from 17th – 20th February 2014. CliC sponsored APECS representative, Eleanor Darlington, to attend the meeting. She joined 23 established researchers who all play leading roles in cryospheric research. The meeting was led by CliC chair, Greg Flato (Environment Canada) and organised by Jenny Baesman (CliC Director).

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APECS Representatives at the Arctic Frontiers 2014 Science Committees

ARCTIC FRONTIERS Logo new 2013For the Arctic Frontiers 2014 conference in Tromsø, Norway (19 – 26 January), four APECS members were selected to serve as early career researcher representatives on the Science Committees of the conference: Marney Paradis was member of the Live, Work, and Stay Healthy in the Arctic session, and her graduate studies on leadership within Indigenous education played a role in establishing strong professional connections with other session members. Dr. Frigga Kruse was chosen as member to the Health and Environment session, and her arctic archaeologicall knowledge base provided important historical context to the committee. Mia Bennett drew upon her familiarity with arctic geopolitics to assist in the abstract review and selection in the Shipping and Offshore committee. Piotr Graczyk assisted as member of the Arctic Search and Rescue committee, in which he utilized his studies of international relations and arctic cooperation in the selection criteria.

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Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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