Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


Conference Presentations

Frost Bytes: Reports from ‘Cool’ Researchers
J Baeseman, E Sparrow, APECS Outreach Participants
Poster Presentation
PY Oslo Science Conference 2010
Oslo, Norway
8 - 12 June 2010
The coldest regions of our planet are experiencing rapid temperature increases that are changing ecosystems and people’s way of life. There is still a lot to learn about these places and researchers around the world are working together to understand the Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine regions.

APECS, together with the US National Science Foundation’s Arctic System Science Thermakarst (ARCSS TK) research project are creating a series of short audio and video messages from researchers working to help understand the coldest regions of our planet.

Frost Bytes is a series where researchers share who they are, where they are working, their major research questions and results, and why it matters to the rest of the planet. These short 30 – 60 second sound bytes will be available through iTunes, and other partner websites. Frost Bytes will be available free to anyone and will help to enhance science presentations, online news articles, and social media websites.

Any researcher can participate by:
1. Recording a short audio or video message targeted at a general audience with the following information:
- Name, School/Institution, Location (city and country)
- What is your research and why is it exciting to you
- Why does that matter to the rest of the world
2. Send the recording together with photos and/or video to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

APECS will work with researchers from the ARCSS TK project to edit the submissions and publish them as part of the series. Marketing of the series and the messages from participating researchers will include contacting radio and television stations to include Frost Bytes as part of their public service messages, particularly during the International Polar Weeks (an educational program resulting from the International Polar Year to share the importance of the Polar Regions with the world).

Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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