Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


Conference Presentations

Methods for Training Early Career Researchers in Polar Prediction
Fiona Tummon, Gerlis Fugmann, Alice Bradley, Kirstin Werner, Jonathan Day
Poster Presentation
POLAR2018, Davos,
Davos, Switzerland
19 - 23 Jun 2018
Rapidly changing weather and climate is profoundly affecting the Arctic region, opening up new opportunities but also exposing new challenges such as environmental hazards. A growing user community thus requires enhanced predictive capacity at multiple spatial and temporal scales. The Horizon 2020 APPLICATE (Advance predictions in the Polar regions and beyond) project is bringing together a wide range of stakeholders to improve our predictive capacity for the Arctic and beyond. Knowledge transfer is a key aspect of APPLICATE and as part of it a training school is being organised in collaboration with the Association of Early Polar Career Scientists (APECS) and the Year of Polar Prediction (YOPP).

The second Polar Prediction School will take place in Abisko, northern Sweden, from 17-27 April 2018. The school will provide in-depth training on all aspects of making polar weather and climate predictions. This includes hands-on field measurements, exercises using computer models, and lectures covering topics ranging from chaotic systems to high latitude ocean processes. Each component of the course forms a crucial pillar of the prediction problem; combining these will provide participants with a complete overview of what is required to predict polar weather and climate. This presentation will describe the curriculum and learning tools developed to train early career researchers in polar prediction, focusing on active and skills-based learning through small projects and exercises.

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APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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