Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


APECS ice-ocean-RF logo1Within the past few decades, global climate change has lead to widespread changes in the mass and aerial extent of the Earth's glaciers, ice sheets, and sea ice as well as changes in the temperature and circulation of the oceans. This research feature focuses on the interactions between glaciers, ice sheets, sea ice and the oceans, the feedbacks inherent to the coupled systems, and the broader impacts of changes in ice-ocean interactions. The following two sections provide a brief overview of ice-ocean interactions at/near glacier margins and beneath sea ice.

Three webinars on ice-ocean interactions were held during February 2014 and recordings of the webinars can be found below. These webinars focused on the current understanding of ice-ocean interactions, the governing processes, and recent observations of rapid change, with a specific focus on the following three subject areas: sea ice in the Arctic, marine-terminating glaciers, and glacial fjords. Background information on glacier ice- and sea ice-ocean interactions can also be found in the overview sections included below. A more detailed understanding of ice-ocean interactions can be gained from the journal articles listed beneath the overviews. The abstracts and full citation information can be used to easily locate the full-length articles using either the journal links provided near the bottom of the page or electronic library resources.

If you have any questions regarding the content of this research feature or you would like to recommend another article for the list below, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

This page was put together by Dr. Ellyn M. Enderlin and Dr. Alexey Pavlov.



Video recordings are posted on the APECS Vimeo site (site link). Direct links to each video recording can also be found with their descriptions below.

Glacier ice-ocean interactions: Journal articles

Sea ice-ocean interactions: Journal articles

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UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
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