Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


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Virtual Posters

Matteo Cattadori
Education and Outreach
Museo delle Scienze, Trento, Italy
AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting 2011. San Francisco, US. December 2011
Italian citizens' perception of the seriousness of the issue of climate change is one of the lowest in Europe (Eurobarometer survey, 2008), running next to last among the 28 EU Nations. This has recently driven many national science institutions to take action in order to connect society with the complexities and consequences of climate change.

I-CLEEN (Inquiring on CLimate and Energy, is a service that offers a new type of link between schools and the complexity of climate change. The project took off in 2008 thanks to the Trento Science Museum (former Tridentine Museum of Natural Science), one of the major Italian science museums that includes both research and science education and dissemination departments. The main aim is to create, using the tools of professional cooperation, a free repository of educational resources that can support teachers in preparing inquiry-based lessons on climate change and earth system science topics, making the task less of a burden.

I-CLEEN is inspired by many models, which include: the ARISE (Andrill Research Immersion for Science Educators), the OER (Open Educational Resources) models and those of other projects that have developed similar information gateways such as LRE (Learning Resource Exchange) and DLESE (Digital Library on Earth Science Education).

One of the strategies devised by I-CLEEN is to rely upon an editorial team made up of a highly selected group of teachers that interacts with the researchers of the museum and of other Earth system science research centres like the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV). Resource selection, production, revision and publication processes follow a specific procedure that was laid out in a selection policy document according to the guidelines established by the established standards. Thanks to this, all educational resources have a common layout and scientific relevance guaranteed by researcher review that both further facilitate users in taking them up.

All the parts that make up the project and their respective activities are fully dealt with using an open source web platform called LifeRay. This platform and the metadata structure made it possible to publish I-CLEEN resources in international project repositories, such as Scientix. The role of the service is thus twofold, gathering local educational practices and linking them to leading international excellences in this field

I-CLEEN won the first prize at the 2010 e-learning award and has also been evaluated to determine both the effectiveness of the service among teachers and also the user-friendliness of the Graphic User Interface of the project website.
This contribution illustrates several aspects of the I-CLEEN, the results of the two evaluation activities and those coming from the analysis of the project website access data.
Outreach, Climate, Energy
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