Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


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Virtual Posters

Vladimir A. Alexeev*, Irina Repina**, Jenny Baeseman*** Francisco Fernandoy***/****, Sheldon Bart*****
Education and Outreach
*International Arctic Research Center
**Obukhov Institute for Atmospheric Physics
***Association of Polar Early Career Scientists
**** Alfred Wegener Institute
*****Wilderness Research Foundation
Lecture to the 'Leadership Program' at UAF, March 2010
We brought a party of 15 scientists, graduate students, and educators to King George Island, the largest of the South Shetland Islands, just off the Antarctic Peninsula, for an international workshop on Antarctica and global climate change in January 2010. Participants included professors, young scientists and graduate students from the Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics, the University of Maryland, the University of Wisconsin, and the Michigan Technological University. Lindsay Bartholomew, an education and outreach specialist at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago, connected the workshop via video and Internet with an audience of museum visitors. Scientists living and working at Bellingshausen, including Hans-Ulrich Peter, an eminent ecologist from Jena University (Germany), and Bulat Movlyudov (Institute of Geography, Moscow), a distinguished glaciologist, participated in the workshop. Field trips led by Peter and Movlyudov and others were made by day and lectures were held by night. Professors and graduate students made cutting-edge presentations on such subjects as permafrost, glaciology, and global climate models. Three workshop teams conducted Field research projects at the foot of the Bellingshausen Dome icecap – two on carbon cycling and one on permafrost. Major funding sources for the workshop included the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Russia), Wilderness Research Foundation (USA), NSF, University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point, Alfred Wegener Institute (Germany) and Museum for Science and Industry (Chicago). INACH, the Chilean Antarctic Institute, and IAU, the Uruguayan Antarctic Institute, provided air charter services. On King George Island, our group was billeted at Russia's Bellingshausen science station.
climate change, workshop, Antarctica
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