Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


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Virtual Posters

C. Ossola*, M. Cattadori**, M. Veneruso*** , M. Macario****
Education and Outreach
* Italian Antarctic Museum, Genova, Italy
** Trento Science Museum, Trento, Italy
*** Istituto Comprensivo Como Rebbio “Fogazzaro”, Como, Italy
**** School of Science and Technology, University of Camerino, Camerino, Italy
IPY 2012 Conference, Montreal, Canada, April 2012
The Polar Summer School for Teachers (SPEs) represents one of the most important results that stemmed from the cooperation among various organizations that are active in Polar Science dissemination (Italian Antarctic Museum, Trento Science Museum, National Geophysics and Volcanology Institute) since IPY 2007 – 2008. This contribution aims to describe the results of the first edition of SPEs, an educational initiative designed specifically for the world of school and funded by the National Antarctica Research Programme within a two-year project.
The Polar Summer School for Teachers, backed by the national APECS group, is organized by the Italian Antarctic Museum and its target is teachers of scientific topics in first - and second-grade secondary schools (age range from 11 to 18 years). SPEs is supported by the Director General for School Systems and for School Autonomy of the Ministry of Education, Research and University. The Trento Science Museum takes part in the project.
The features of SPEs are the following:
A cost – free summer school for 12 teachers where they acquire tools that allow them to cover at school polar science topics of special interest;
A contest called “An experience for Antarctica” in which teachers must develop an original laboratory activity on polar science;
The contest winner joins in the Antarctica scientific expedition 2011 – 12.
SPEs lasts 5 days and it is made up of 2 sections: Earth science and life science (biology / ecology). Each section includes a theoretical part, with contributions from Italian and foreign researchers, and practical laboratory activities that encourage an experimental approach to the topics and can be replicated in the classroom. Participants also go for one day’s activities at sea to learn a few environmental sampling techniques.
Participants are encouraged to develop new practical activities, experiments and tools to cover specific topics in depth, according to their needs and to the skills they have gained.
The teacher chosen to take part in the Antarctica expedition joins the "LTER-Marine Observatory of the Baia Terra Nova Protected Area (MOA-TNB)" project researchers. Together with SPEs organizers he / she develops a science communication and diffusion programme for schools to be carried out both during the teacher's stay in Antarctica and after returning to Italy.
The expedition will take place in December 2011 and January 2012 at the Italian Research Station “Mario Zucchelli”.
Polar, summer school, teachers
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