Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


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Virtual Posters

M.Cattadori*, F.Taponecco**
Education and Outreach
* Museo delle Scienze, Trento, Italy
** EURAC, Bolzano, Italy
IPY 2012 Conference, Montreal, Canada, April 2012
Following the ANDRILL multinational project conducted in the Antarctic (, a drilling campaign coordinated by the Byrd Polar Research Center at the Ohio State University has recently started in the European Alpine Region with the Ortles project ( The Ortles is the highest mountain of the Eastern Alps and the project involves several Italian and European partners; beside expected research achievements, the project results to be a relevant opportunity for communicating polar science in Europe.

The Science Museum in Trento coordinates the education group within the project, composed by the museum itself, the Stelvio national park, the EURAC junior group and the pedagogical institutes as well as some schools of the province of Bolzano. As result of the various education activities, a glaciology campus took place under the Ortles glacier, the participants were 20 students attending the last year of the secondary school. This paper presents the best practices adopted during the campus and provides detail of some of the hands-on didactical activities, such as the analysis of satellite images to monitor glacier retreat. With particular focus to this activity, the adopted methodology is that of discussing with the students about glaciers also introducing the remote sensing technologies, in the second part of the activity students make practice in first person, working autonomously and in group like researchers do, using image processing software developed by the ESA to analyze glaciers from space.
The campus uses a multidisciplinary approach to teach polar science; several experimental laboratories and interactive activities, as well as nature excursions in the Stelvio National Park have been used to discuss a variety of issues related to glaciers and polar science with the students.

The glaciology campus took place in parallel to the drilling campaign that the team of researchers conducted on the Ortles. This provided an exceptional opportunity to bring the students in direct contact with the researchers who spent time with the students, answering all their questions even in their free time and after dinner.
A big result of the campus was also the opportunity to improve the adopted didactical approach thanks to the discussion and exchange of experiences among the referents from the pedagogical institutes and from the education and science communication centers such as Museum and EURAC junior. The objectives of our activity is to generate excitement for science, discovery and learning, and foster education and outreach on polar science with students both in and out of traditional classrooms also seeding for the future; after the campus in fact, students and teachers will go on working on related education projects and will present their results to classmates and other schools within a big event organized by the pedagogical institute of Bolzano.
Glacier science, outreach, interactive
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