Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


To submit your poster to the APECS Virtual Poster Session, simply fill out the form and upload your poster as a pdf (Maximum File Size is 3 MB) .

Note: If your poster has been presented at a conference, please include the conference information so we can properly acknowledge the original presentation of this work.

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Virtual Posters

Tayo van Boeckel (a), Oda Eide (b), Iben Koldtolt (c), Robert Kopte (d), Hanne Wilhelmsen (e).
Education and Outreach
a) Faculty of Sciences, University of Amsterdam,
b) Department of Geography, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
c) Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen
d) Geomar|Helmholtz-­?Centre for Ocean Research, University of Kiel,
e) Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo
IPY Field School 2012 - Poster Session
Svalbard is a highly glaciated archipelago situated in the high arctic at the northernmost edge of the North Atlantic drift and is therefore thought to be very sensitive to climatic changes. Over 60 % of the archipelago consist of ice caps and glaciers. The estimated total volume of the glaciers of Svalbard would rise the sea level by only 2 cm. Nevertheless Arctic’s smaller ice masses are expected to show a more rapid response to climate changes than the largest future contributors to sea level rise, Antarctica and Greenland. Therefore, glaciers on Svalbard could function as an early indicator for how the larger ice sheets will react to the warming climate in the future.
Climate Change, ice sheet, Svalbard, indicator
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