Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


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Virtual Posters

Ari-Pekka Leppänen*, Nadezhda Kasatkina**, Gennady Matishov**, Dina Solatie*
*Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, Rovaniemi, Finland
**Murmansk Marine Biological Institute, Murmansk, Russia
IPY Oslo Science Conference 2010
Murmansk Marine Biological Institute (MMBI) carries out annually scientific expeditions to the Barents Sea. The expeditions cover wide range of scientific disciplines from oceanography, marine biology to radioactive pollutants. In 2007 and 2009 a scientist from Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority - STUK joined the MMBI’s annual expedition to the Barents Sea. The objective was to study radiological situation at Barents Sea.

In 2007 the emphasis of the expedition was on eastern part of the Barents Sea while in 2009 the emphasis was on western part of the sea. In 2007 expedition the route consisted of Barents sea standard section number 6 (Kola section), Frans Josef Land, western coast of Novaja Zemilja. In 2009 expedition the route consisted of Barents sea standard sections number 3 and 19, Svalbard area, Frans Josef Land and Barents sea standard sections number 6 (Kola section).

During the expedition extensive sampling of sea water, bottom sediment and living organisms were done to determine current level of radioactive contaminants, anthropogenic and NORMs, in the marine environment. One hundred liters of sea water was filtered through Anfezh sorbent to recover 137Cs from sea water. Twenty liter canisters were used to sample sea water for 90Sr analysis. Bottom sediment was sampled with Van Veen crab to analyse 137Cs, 238,239Pu, 210Po/Pb, 226Ra and 235U.

The results from 2007 expedition showed very low levels of anthropogenic radioactivities in sea water and in bottom sediment samples. The analysis of 238Pu/239Pu ratio from the sediment samples showed that the plutonium originates from global fallout from the era of atmospheric nuclear weapons testing.
Barents Sea, radioactivity
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