Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


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Virtual Posters

Teodor Gh. Negoita* , Gheorghe Stefanic*, Alina Georgiana Catrinescu*
*Romanian Polar Research Institute
IPY Oslo Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010, Norway
Numerous and diverse researches on polar zones, including pedo-enzymatic, have a distinct value, but many are limited to the description of characteristics of location or zone, not enabling to estimate the direction of evolution. The IPY 2007-2008 program was meant to bring research to the level of current scientific potential leading to models, based on interdisciplinary studies and diverse “in situ” and “in vitro” tests. Under the real conditions of a location, the pedological analyses must provide data about: climate; crust and soil formation; soil micro-population; nutrient biological circuits; vegetal cover; vital processes in soil: respiration, biological free dinitrogen fixation, ammonification, nitrification, cellulolyse; pedoenzymic potentials of: catalase, saccharase, total amidase and phosphatase. All this information must be integrated in characteristic groups, quantitatively and qualitatively evaluated, and be, as far as possible, transformed in indicators suitable for comparisons and enabling to understand the evolution of the terrestrial crust towards soil formation.

In our research within IPY project ID 1267 on permafrost soils, a special attention was given to the synthetic indicators of chemical and biological features of permafrost soils, indicators which enable numerical expression of the vital stage of soil and comparisons with other zones. These indicators are Indicator of Vital Activity Potential (IVAP%), Indicator of Enzymic Activity Potential (IEAP%) and Biological Synthetic Indicator (BSI%). With the same quantitative indicators, created by Stefanic (1994), we characterized both soils from temperate climate and from polar zones (Stefanic Gh. et al., 1997; Negoita, T. Gh., Stefanic Gh. et al, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2008), which enabled to ascertain the soil quality depending on the biological processes, nutrient accumulation and the level of soil forming in given ecological conditions. The scientific literature (Dick R.P., 1994, and Trasar-Cepeda C. et al.,1998) mentioned these achievements as being original in pedology.
permafrost; soil
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