Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


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Virtual Posters

Fabio Magrani*, Ayres Neto*
*Laboratório de Geologia Marinha Universidade Federal Fluminense - Brazil
Simposio Brasileiro de Pesquisas Antarticas
The present work consists in the characterization of the geology of the South Shetland's continental margin, Bransfield Strait – Antarctica and its sedimentary distribution through the interpretation and correlation of high resolution seismic profiles with geological samples analysis, filling the gap in scientific research about echo-characters at the area. The geological characterization was made through echo-character analysis, maps of seismic amplitude and its correlation with the collected sediments. Five different echo types have been identified and classified. Echo types I and II have good seismic resolution and are characterized by continuous sharp bottom echoes with sub-parallel reflections. Echoes III and IV are characterized by very prolonged bottom echoes with no sub-bottom reflectors. Echo V/Hyperbolic are associated to glacial deposits, in response to deglaciation and the transport of coarse grains in a muddy matrix, and shows large irregular overlapping hyperbolae. The echo-characters showed good correlation with amplitude maps and the geological samples collected along Bransfield Strait, on South Shetland's continental margin. Echo I has medium-high amplitudes and the samples within its area of occurrence (AM-02 and AM-14) indicates silty sand and sandy silt, respectively. Echo II presents the lowest seismic amplitude, and the sample AM-17 within its area shows a content of approximately 90% mud. Echos III and IV, located on the shallowest portion of South Shetland's continental margin, demonstrate medium-low amplitude values, and are related to samples AM-01 and AM-04, both classified as sandy-silt with approximately 35% of sand. Echo-character type V shows the highest amplitudes and was related to glacial deposits with satisfactory accuracy.
Bransfield Strait, Antarctica Peninsula, Echo-character, High-resolution seismic, sedimentary analysis
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