Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


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Virtual Posters

Jose Xavier
Education and Outreach
Institute of Marine Research, Dept. Zoology, University of Coimbra, 3004-517 Coimbra, Portugal
New Generation of Polar Researchers meeting 2008, Colorado Springs
Portugal, for the first time of its history, is participating in the International Polar Year (IPY). As the last IPY was 50 years ago, it clearly shows that it is quite an opportunity for Portugal, scientifically and educationally.

In order to complement the Portuguese Polar Science Program, a Portuguese educational program was created, named LATITUDE60!. It is considered one of the most exciting educational projects within IPY.

At present, more than 100 schools and 400 teachers are involved in LATITUDE60! in Portugal, representing thousands of students. In this presentation, we aim to show why IPY is such a huge success in Portugal, a country without polar traditions. These include:
1) It is coordinated not only by polar scientists but also by teachers, using novel internet technologies (platform “moodle”)
2) It comprises more than 30 activities/events that reach all ages groups
3) Polar scientists were quite keen to go to schools (e.g. giving lectures),
4) Identify and stimulate the essential role of school teachers.

Teachers were tremendously important for the success of LATITUDE60!, making the link between Polar scientists and the students, engaging their students into Polar Regions projects within their schools and being always enthusiastic in promoting Polar science.

This programme was sponsored by Ciência Viva and by the Foundation for Science and Technology
IPY, Portugal, outreach, networkin
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