Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


To submit your poster to the APECS Virtual Poster Session, simply fill out the form and upload your poster as a pdf (Maximum File Size is 3 MB) .

Note: If your poster has been presented at a conference, please include the conference information so we can properly acknowledge the original presentation of this work.

Please read the Terms of Submission before submitting your poster.

Virtual Posters

Tainá Luccas*, Miriam H. Almeida**, Erli S. Costa***, Larissa S.T. Cunha ****, João Paulo M. Torres *****
Education and Outreach
* Universidade de São Paulo (USP).
** Comitê Internacional de Educação, Participação e Comunicação do Ano Polar Internacional (International Polar Year).
*** Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Brazil.
**** Programa de Pós-Graduação Ciências Biológicas (Biofísica), UFRJ.
***** Laboratório de Radioisótopos Eduardo Penna Franca. Instituto de Biofísica Carlos Chagas Filho, UFRJ.
SCAR Open Science Conference, Buenos-Aires, 3-6 August 2010
Nowadays the successful execution of scientific projects depends on the strong integration of the projects with scientific divulgation on the base of education, outreach and communication aspects. The project “Bio-ecological studies in penguins and skuas” proposes to contemplate a number of education, outreach and communication activities which are directed to the divulgation of the project’s research results and foresees, among other activities: 1) The creation and periodic updating of an interactive web-site ( with disclosure material for educators, students and the general public; 2) The creation of a documentary video of the research activities in Antarctica and the laboratory analyses developed by all institutions involved in the project; 3) The designing and divulgation of educational material made available at no charge for schools all over the country, including interdisciplinary activities (initially for English and Biology teaching); 4) The organization of a workshop, lectures, disclosure texts, interviews, reports, and other activities that will bring the project members in direct contact with the public. Through these activities this project aims to accomplish a wide disclosure of its scientific activities and to stimulate the participation of students in all levels of education, educators and the whole community, in a way that will effectively contribute with relevant educational aspects, bringing up important matters for the Brazilian society and promoting a wide debate about them. (This work was supported by The National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, Brazilian Antarctic Program and Ministry of Science and Technology (CNPq/MCT 557049/2009-1). ESC received a CNPq fellowship (141474/2008-4).
Outreach, skua, penguin, activities
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  • I hold the copyright to this material and grant APECS the right to display this poster.

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