Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


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Virtual Posters

Teodor Gh. Negoita*
Education and Outreach
*Romanian Polar Research Institute, Bucharest, Romania
IPY Oslo Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010 in Oslo, Norway
A circle of studies “The Danube Delta and Law-Racovita Romanian Antarctic Station” was set up, under the coordination of Teodor Gheorghe Negoita, a Romanian polar scientist and Lieder of the Romanian Station in Antarctica, at the C.A. Rosetti School and its seven satellite schools in more isolated areas of the Danube Delta Natural Reserve, a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve of 2.590 sq. km. The aim of this circle as an educational tool is to improve the efficiency of students preparing to use their knowledge to protect the nature through ideas and facts in the spirit of IPY. We acted, along with teachers, pupils, students and authorities, to protect the Danube Delta, in correlation with our scientific activities and environmental protection in Antarctica, the European and polar regions legislation, developing relationships with similar groups in neighbouring countries. Activities included unique flora and fauna protection; campaigns organized by youth to discourage excessive fishing; removal by the participants of the huge piles of PET bottles brought by the Danube River from Europe, as actions meant to develop the responsibility for areas unique in the World, Antarctica included, where significant changes could occur as anthropic impacts.With public support, we removed rubbish from the Letea Sand Banks Reserve, tried to control poaching of wildlife and to protect the unique flora from damage by the tourist industry.

Articles were published in Lotus magazine and other media, at conferences, in slide shows and DVDs, and teaching aids were produced.
These activities in the spirit of IPY 2007-2008 were also disseminated in a number of schools in Romania as an example of environmental protection performed by pupils, students,teachers, with support from local authorities. Information on the IPY website and videoclips posted on YouTube under the title “Romania Marks October Polar Week” show some activities, reported to IPY/SCAR.
Outreach, Danube Delta Natural Reserve, schools, clean up
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