Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


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Virtual Posters

T. Gh. Negoita*, M. Cotta*, A.I. Stoica**, M. Cotarlet***, A. Magdalin****, M. Ciumasu*****
Education and Outreach
*Romanian Polar Research Institute, Romania,
**Chemistry Faculty, Bucharest University, Romania,
***Galati University, Romania,
****Architecture Faculty "G.M. Cantacuzino", Iasi, Romania,
*****Centre of Expertise for Ecosystem Sustainable Exploitation, Iasi, Romania
IPY Oslo Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010 in Oslo, Norway
Romania marked the IPY-SCAR Polar Week, 4-9 October 2009, with a series of events and actions in the spirit of SCAR/IPY, to inform the scientific and educational communities, authorities and the public on the global changes and their impacts on the Earth, and the need of urgent steps to mitigate these effects. These actions were initiated and coordinated by the Romanian Antarctic Foundation and the Romanian Institute of Polar Research, involving a large number of universities, schools, public libraries and the media. The main topics were: “Glacier melting at the Poles, a hazard for Romania, too”; “Cooperation research results in IPY Project 1267”; “Interhemisphere” Project (12 international partners), coordinator T. Gh. Negoita, Romanian Polar Research Institute, under auspices of ESF European Polar Board.

The Polar Week events, reported to SCAR/IPY consisted in: a press release to Agerpres National Press Agency and an interview at Romanian National Radio Broadcasting on the Romanian polar activities within IPY/Polar Week; 8 conferences at university campus level in Bucharest, Iasi and Galati at the faculties of: Biology/Chemistry of Bucharest University; Biology/Geography of “Al.I. Cuza” University Iasi; Architecture (Iasi); Food Industry, “Lower Danube” University Galati, and Centre of Expertise for Ecosystem Sustainable Exploitation, Iasi.

Conferences at the Iasi Biology and Architecture faculties were broadcast on the web:

Films and slide shows, discussions with pupils, teachers, journalists took place at “Mihai Eminescu” National College Bucharest, on the topic “Antarctica, the continent of the future, is loosing its icecap”; at “Pro Vita Universale” Association, Roman – “Adventure, research, Earth Poles protection”; at “Terra Magazine”, a Romanian journal edited in 140.000 copies, CD Press, Bucharest - “IPY and the Romanian contribution”.

Some of these activities are shown on the IPY website and video clips posted on YouTube under the title “Romania Marks October Polar Week”
IPY-SCAR Polar Week, Romania, events, networking
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