Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


virtual poster sessionThis effort focuses on bringing the concept of the poster presentation beyond the four walls of the conference halls and creates an online database of polar research poster publications. This project allows members with similar goals and interests to exchange information and assures a platform for the exchange of Arctic, Antarctic and Cryospheric research, policy, and education activities that are Shaping the Future of Polar Research. APECS is leading an effort towards e-conferences among polar researchers where participants can present their research findings to an international audience through web-based settings using the APECS website.

The APECS Virtual Poster Session was initially funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers' Arctic Cooperation Programme. 

Share posters you have presented at other conferences, carry on discussions, get feedback from senior researchers in the field and also find new collaborators - Submit your Poster!

FAQ - Virtual Poster Session

Terms of Submission - Virtual Poster Session

Submitting posters to the APECS Virtual Poster Session is currently offered free of charge for all registered APECS members thanks to sponsorship from the Nordic Council of Ministers. APECS reserves the right to change these terms as some date in the future.

By submitting a poster to APECS for online publication you are confirming that you have the required copyright to do so and allowing APECS to include your poster in the Virtual Poster Session for the duration of its existence. Questions about this agreement should be directed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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Past Virtual Poster Session Recordings

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APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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