Polar Outreach Catalogue
Polar Outreach Catalogue
Polar Content and Support Material for Secondary Education in Spain
- Educators, Teachers
The IPY has contributed to the spread of polar knowledge in Spain, mainly by scientific or informative channels, and interest in polar regions is increasing. However, they continue being a lack of accessible educative material in Spanish and adapted to the formal requirements of our educative syste. In order to address this need material has been structured and will be published as a ?didactic unit? in the sense used in the Spanish educative system. It is mainly addressed to students of intermediate or upper levels (up to 16-18 years) in Science subjects. Special attention has been paid to the adaptation of the contents to the current official requirements for Secondary Education established in Spain and in several countries in Central and South America. The didactic unit has a multidisciplinary approach, an attractive format and promotes the use of information technologies (web search, data treatment, preparation of power point presentations, ?). Many figures and interactive activities are used to be followed by the students in a guided manner, using images, videos and other educative resources from accessible institutional web sites.
- Other
Organismo Autnomo Programas Educativos Europeos-Ministry of Education, Universidad de Educacin a Distancia, Spain, Faculty of Sciences, Universidad Autnoma de Madrid, Spain
no timeline given
Both Poles
Yes, all of it
Oslo Science Conference