Polar Outreach Catalogue
Polar Outreach Catalogue
It is through the writers that history is remembered?
- General public
One hundred years ago, Shackleton and Scott knew the advantages of taking professional creatives on their expeditions, passionate to record what their outsiders? eyes observed, the outcome of their work used in promoting expedition objectives and fund-raising. Today?s humanities-trained writer, chosen by a competitive process, arrives in Antarctica charged to deliver according to a committed proposal with the objective to track a team of US seabird ecologists working to understand climate change on the Antarctic peninsula, to comprehend the science and to write a book to reach a broad general market. Antarctica?s output is science. What are some of the challenges and inspirations, the pitfalls and pleasures in researching and writing a book like The Ferocious Summer? The writer of books for the general market is subject to market forces. Creativity, accuracy, accessibility are vital
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