Association of Polar Early Career Scientists



Polar Outreach Catalogue

Introducing high school kids to polar research - Polar bear biology and historic Arctic travellers
  • General public
  • Students - in general
International Polar Day, 19th of March, Germany. The 5th grade at the high school ISG List in Hannover was amazed after figuring out that two young polar researchers are present and will introduce them closer to the Polar Regions. They highly enjoyed learning more about why polar bears developed the way they are and how actually the work in the field is conducted from Kim. Mike introduced them to the history and life of Arctic travellers in the 18th hundreds and the cultural and current Inuit life. The kids were great to work with and brought the enthusiasm back home to their families and friends. We hope to include more school kids in our activities in the near future and get them involved in Polar activities.
  • Classroom interaction
Dipl.-Biol. Kim Jochum
Insitute of Wildlife Research (IWFo), TiHo, Hannover, Germany
Mike Froemmel (PhD student German language), University Berlin, Insitute of Wildlife Research (IWFo), TiHo, Hannover, Germany
Canada, Germany
March 2009 to March 2009
English, German
Online survey

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APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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