Polar Outreach Catalogue
Polar Outreach Catalogue
Antarctica's Climate Secrets: Flexhibits (FLEXible exHIBITS)
- Educators, Teachers
Antarctica's Climate Secrets, also known as "Flexhibits" (FLEhible exHIBITS), include hands-on activities, attractive banner graphics, and videos and podcasts that make it possible for groups of 10- to 15- years old to do some fun learning and teaching. The activities lead up to the group hosting a public science event or developing an exciting exhibit for peers, families, or the public. The materials have been successfully used in both formal and informal education. This Flexhibit package features an international science research project taking place in Antarctica. The ANDRILL project (ANtarctic geology DRILLing) is recovering sedimentary rock cores from beneath Antarctica's ice to learn that continent's climate history. Researchers are looking to the past to help them predict what will happen in the future on our warming planet.
- Other
LuAnn Dahlman
Yes, all of it