Polar Outreach Catalogue
Polar Outreach Catalogue
Delivering the Message: Communicating with Canadians about Science
- Media
To complement the research being undertaken as part of the Government of Canada's Program for International Polar Year, a robust communications and outreach programme was developed. IPY was viewed not only as an opportunity to communicate about the research underway and the importance of polar science, but also as a chance to create greater awareness about Canada's Arctic, its peoples and current issues facing the North. More than 30 major projects were undertaken by the Government of Canada Program for IPY and individual Canadians and organizations interested in the North and the promotion of Arctic science. Many of these projects arose from a Call for Proposals to solicit creative and innovative projects from a diverse range of applicants from across Canada. Highlights of communications and outreach efforts in Canada include: a speaker series, museum exhibits, student science fairs, documentary films, television shows, and an interactive online map.
Aspects of the program were designed to target Canada's Aboriginal and Northern populations, young Canadians and still others were directed at the general population. These communications and outreach efforts were in addition to the requirements placed on science projects for communicating on their projects with key audiences.
Aspects of the program were designed to target Canada's Aboriginal and Northern populations, young Canadians and still others were directed at the general population. These communications and outreach efforts were in addition to the requirements placed on science projects for communicating on their projects with key audiences.
- Other
Government of Canada IPY Office
IPY Canada
2007 to 2010
English, French
Oslo Science Conference