Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


Science & Art Online Exhibition - 22 March

The Science & Art event featured various aesthetic microscopy images with scientific relevance to Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, as well as the cutting-edge bionanotechnology used to study them.

The exhibition by Oliver Vanderpoorten was followed by presentations of two recent public science communication events and an interactive discussion session after, where attendants exchanged ideas, got advice on outreach projects, could find volunteers and obtain feedback on their current ideas while networking with similar minded people.

Speaker's Bio: 

Oliver Vanderpoorten is a Postdoctoral fellow at UiT in the Nanoscopy group within the Physics department. His nanotechnology research often produces creative and esthetic microscopy footage which he uses for exhibitions and science communication. Formerly, he was part of the Centre for Misfolding Disease at the University of Cambridge where he conducted research on nanolithography and nanoscopy methods. He holds two master degrees in engineering subjects which give him an applied attitude towards biotechnological applications: He holds a Master in Electrical and Microsystems Engineering from OTH Regensburg (2015) and a second Master’s degree in Sensor Technologies from the University of Cambridge (2016). During his PhD in the EPSRC funded Sensor CDT he explored the landscape of nanofluidic chips for various applications related to life sciences - especially Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease - and developed 2-photon lithography (Nano 3D printing) as fabrication method for nanofluidic devices. In his free time he’s interested in entrepreneurship, sailing, painting and spends his time with outreach to explain science to the public in an informal way. 

The online exhibition took place on 22 March at 4:30 PM GMT on Zoom. 

524 Polar Week March 2022 Webinar oliver vanderpoorten Anastasia Deyko

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