Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


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                               © Alexey Pavlov, Caroline Coch, Alice Bradley, Adrian Dahood, Elizabeth Erickson (left to right)

In our Polar and Alpine Community News we feature news from the many partners that APECS is working with, as well as other news from a variety of sources related to research in the Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine regions as well as the wider Cryosphere. Many thanks to APECS members and the wider Polar research community for contributing to this shared resources!  

If you want to submit Polar or Alpine News for this page, please use the link below. If you have any questions, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We keep only the news of the last 3 months on this page. Older news can be accessed in our Polar and Alpine News Archive

Polar Impact Field Safety Survey: Action Requested

The Polar Impact Network is seeking to develop an inclusive 'survival' guide as a resource for conducting polar field work. This resource will be housed on the Polar Impact website and can be shared among lab groups, research institutions, and field stations involved in polar research across the world.

We have designed a survey ( to aid in the development of this resource that focuses on creating accessible, equitable, and inclusive field experiences, with a particular emphasis on the experiences and perceptions of polar field work from people who identify as racial or ethnic minorities.

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Call for Comment: Process for formation and activities of NNA-CO Convergence Working Groups

As a key part of NNA Community Office (NNA-CO) funded activities, the NNA-CO will facilitate the formation, implementation, and outputs of four Convergence Working Groups. The NNA-CO has established an initial set of Convergence Working Group functions and goals, but many elements of the Convergence Working Group (CWG) process are intentionally not yet fully defined to allow for community input. A concept document outlines foundational aspects of the CWG design, provides a potential roadmap for elements yet undefined, and invites open community comment for finalizing the CWG process.

We invite community discussion on all aspects, with multiple paths for engaging.

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Call for nominations: 2022 Medal of Science

nsf logoNominate a scientist or an engineer! February 7 - May 20.

The National Medals of Science are awarded by the President of the United States to individuals deserving of special recognition by reason of their outstanding cumulative contributions to knowledge in the physical, biological, mathematical, engineering, or behavioral or social sciences, in service to the Nation.

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The UNEP MOOC on Marine Litter in Russian open for registrations

Открыта регистрация на МООК на русском языке по проблемам морского мусора - (Русский вариант текста ниже)

We are happy to announce that the second round of the free UNEP MOOC on Marine Litter in Russian is open for registrations!    

The online course starts on February 28, 2022 and will run over a period of 12 weeks. Each consecutive week, a new course block will be released, presenting different tools to combat marine pollution as well as case studies that will inspire leadership at all levels.The participants who will submit an optional final assignment by May 22 will receive a course certificate.

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The Cryosphere in a changing climate - A scientific symposium in the memory of Koni Steffen

Please join us in Davos, Switzerland, from June 23-24. 2022 for an exciting scientific symposium with high-level speakers, scientific poster sessions and ample networking time.

The symposium aims to build a bridge between generations of cryosphere and climate scientists. Use this opportunity to present and discuss your latest research in a stimulating environment.

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WWF Arctic Programme is calling for Arctic Youth contributions to The Circle

Call for Arctic Youth voices to contribute to our anniversary edition of The Circle. The deadline for submissions is March 4th.

We want young authors to:

  • Describe how Arctic communities will change in the next 30 years
  • Suggest solutions to address the negative changes taking place
  • Share examples of specific projects or actions that are helping, or can help, to protect the Arctic


International Forum of Young Scientists 2022

Russia in the Arctic Dialogue: Local and Global Context | Forum to be held in Arkhangelsk, 25-27 May 2022.

The Northern Arctic Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov is pleased to announce the International Forum of Young Scientists 2022.

This year the Forum welcomes PhD, Master and Bachelor students and is held under the auspices of the Russia’s Chairmanship at the Arctic Council 2021-2023 and aligns with its priority areas: Arctic people, including indigenous peoples of the North; environmental protection and climate change issues; socio-economic development of the region and strengthening the Arctic Council.

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Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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APECS Directorate Sponsor
Further Sponsors and Partners for APECS projects, activities and events