Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


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                               © Alexey Pavlov, Caroline Coch, Alice Bradley, Adrian Dahood, Elizabeth Erickson (left to right)

In our Polar and Alpine Community News we feature news from the many partners that APECS is working with, as well as other news from a variety of sources related to research in the Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine regions as well as the wider Cryosphere. Many thanks to APECS members and the wider Polar research community for contributing to this shared resources!  

If you want to submit Polar or Alpine News for this page, please use the link below. If you have any questions, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We keep only the news of the last 3 months on this page. Older news can be accessed in our Polar and Alpine News Archive

Call for Speakers - PYRN Seminar

We have had some great feedback on the PYRN Seminar series and want to invite the PYRN community again to present at one of the next seminars.It does not matter if you are an undergraduate, Master student, PhD or PostDoc, the only requirement is that you are researching permafrost.

We usually have 3-4 speakers per seminar and a great discussion afterwards.

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ASSW Online Session "Open Science: Best Practices, Data Sovereignty and Co-Production" by Arctic Data Center, ELOKA & NNA

499 tweetable ASSW open science sessionThe session "Open Science: Best Practices, Data Sovereignty and Co-Production" is part of the Arctic Science Summit Week 2022 and a collaborative effort between the Arctic Data Center, ELOKA (Exchange for Local Observations and Knowledge of the Arctic), and NNA Community Office (Navigating the New Arctic). The session will be held at 8am-12pm EST online. Online registration is free.

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NNA-CO Early Career Research Advisory Board Seat

The work of the Navigating the New Arctic Community Office (NNA-CO) is guided by two advisory boards—a Research Advisory Board and an Indigenous Advisory Board. We invite nominations and self-nominations for an early career (< 8 years since terminal degree) NNA researcher to serve on our Research Advisory Board. The Research Advisory Board provides overall strategic guidance for the NNA-CO’s plans and activities to support the NNA Community.

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Alaska Fellows Program: Application open

The Alaska Fellows Program is now accepting applications for the 2022/23 program year!  
Applications open until April 3 at 11:59pm
An informational webinar will be held March 9 @ 11am AKST.  
Register for the webinar here.

Alaska Fellows Program is a fall-to-spring residential fellowship program that nurtures the next generation of Alaska-based leaders by pairing talented young people with strong communities and professional mentors. 

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Internship opportunities at Arctic Frontiers

We have two exciting internship opportunities at Arctic Frontiers, located in Tromsø, Norway. We are a non-profit organisation focusing on connecting scientists, businesses, policy makers and local communities in the Arctic. We host an annual conference, as well as science communication and outreach events throughout the year.

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Enhancing International Scientific Cooperation: Arctic Science and Technology Advice with Ministries - webinars

International scientific cooperation is fundamental to the implementation of the seventeen United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, involving science and decisionmaking institutions involved with governance mechanisms and built structures. The changing Arctic has increasingly important global consequences, generating strategies that involve Arctic and non-Arctic States along with Indigenous Peoples' Organizations to enhance international cooperation with science. 

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Arctic Horizon Scan 2022 - Online Survey & Workshop

The Oxford University Polar Forum is pleased to announce the Arctic Horizon Scan 2022. 
What is it? A global call to identify Arctic research priorities for the next decade.
Rationale: The urgency of Arctic change demands that researchers look ahead, share perspectives across disciplinary divides, and understand how they can meet the needs of the future. 
Online Survey (launch: 21st Feb): We are inviting researchers of all disciplines, people from local and Indigenous Arctic communities, policymakers, funders of research, and all other stakeholders, to contribute towards the Horizon Scan by participating in this secure online survey, which asks participants to describe one or more topics that they consider to be priorities for Arctic research in the next decade. We welcome submissions about any topic, large-scale and local, natural and social. Please see our webpage for more details:
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Take part in International Polar Year 2032-2033 survey

An ad hoc group (of mostly Arctic scientists) is considering the desirability and feasibility of planning for an International Polar Year in 2032-2033, 25 years after the last IPY. This timing is much earlier than the past 50-year gap between IPYs. This acceleration in timing is, at least in part, being justified by the rapid change that the polar regions are experiencing today.

To assist with discussions about IPY 2032-2033, SCAR is asking for your opinion about community support for such an activity. While it might seem years away, the formulation of an IPY will take several years of planning to ensure wide participation and success.

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Plastic pollution in the Southern Ocean: a global outlook (10 March 2022) - an Ocean Decade Laboratory Live event

Plastic pollution has become a global environmental issue, reaching even the most pristine and remote wildernesses of our planet such as the Southern Ocean (SO). SO biodiversity and ecosystem functions are vulnerable to plastic pollution and detrimental impacts are expected on wildlife. Understanding the sources of plastics entering from within and outside the SO and quantifying the scale of the problem are necessary to minimize any environmental threat to SO biodiversity and ecosystem services.

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Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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APECS Directorate Sponsor
Further Sponsors and Partners for APECS projects, activities and events