Webinar via Zoom, the link will be provided soon.

The lecture will be given in English.
Please register here: https://simplesignup.se/event/164887

Climate change is here and we have to deal with it. Observations give us evidence of what is happening, and science helps us understand how we got here. Technology is available to address the problem, and the investments needed to transform human activities are manageable. Yet, why have we not taken impactful actions? Why do governments keep talking about future goals, while they fail to put in place policies that can trigger immediate and effective actions? In this talk, I will discuss these aspects and how we can motivate a radical transformation.

Speaker: Professor Roberto Buizza, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy

Roberto Buizza has a degree in Physics from the University of Milano, a PhD in Mathematics from University College London, and a Master in Business Administration from London Business School. After 4 years at the ‘Centro di Ricerca Termica e Nucleare’ of the Electricity Board of Italy (CRTN/ENEL), in 1991 he joined the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), where he had been a key developer of the ECMWF ensembles, and served as Head of the Predictability Division and Lead Scientist. In November 2018 he left ECMWF and joined ‘Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna’ of Pisa, as Full Professor in Physics. Since then, he has been working to establish a new initiative on climate with the support of the three ‘Scuole Universitarie Federate’ (Sant’Anna, ‘Scuola Normale Superiore’ of Pisa, and ‘Scuola IUSS’ of Pavia). Expert in numerical weather prediction, ensemble methods and predictability, he has more than 200 publications, of which 100 in the peer-reviewed literature. Since joining Sant’Anna, he has been very active on communicating climate science to the public, and on initiatives aiming to promote immediate and impactful actions to deal with climate change.