Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


APECS Webinars

Arctic PASSION Online Seminar on Storytelling in Science

Olivia Rempel

GRID Arendal

TheArctic PASSION EU project started its Online Seminar and Dialogue Series with a two-part kickoff seminar on science communication during the APECS International Polar Week! Seminar Part I will be on "Storytelling in Science" (22 March) and Part II on "How to produce media in the field" (24 March). 

Online seminar part 1: Storytelling in Science

Have you ever wondered why certain research projects get picked up in the news and not others? Or how some researchers manage to produce science content that goes viral on social media? Sure, part of it is luck, but another part of it is storytelling. By framing your research in a different way, you can increase the chances that your story gets picked up, or that your social media gains a following.

This webinar will give you the tools to tell stories about your research intentionally, identifying newsworthy stories, who’s your audience, what medium best fits your story, and considering whether you want to pitch your story to journalists, or perhaps using your own media production skills, and posting it to social media. But what platform? We will cover all of this and more in part 1 of our Polar Week sci comms Arctic PASSION seminar!

Outreach & Science Communication
  • Non-specific
APECS-Arctic PASSION Online Seminar and Dialogue Series

The EU Project “Arctic PASSION” aims to build a coherent Arctic Observing System that is adjusted to societal needs based on a co-design of knowledge. The Arctic PASSION Online Seminar and Dialogue Series is a tool to communicate project’s topics, share ideas, plans and results, and to initiate an inclusive and proactive dialogue with people from different groups, backgrounds and career levels. It is targeted to Arctic and Indigenous Youth, Early Career Scientists and other interested audiences. 

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APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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