Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


APECS Webinars

Tips for Networking at Conferences
Hugues Lantuit
International Permafrost Association and Alfred Wegener Institute, Potsdam, Germany

We all know that doing good research is the necessary for becoming a successful scientist - but there are so many other things that can help, like making good contacts and conferences are a great place to do that. In this webinar, Dr. Hugues is back with more 'frank' advice on how to make the most of conferences, or as he calls it "Presenting your research at conferences, corridors, and cocktails." If you need a little advice on how to make some good contacts and maybe find your next employer, this is a must see webinar.

Recorded on 12 October 2010

This video is part of an online lecture series coordinated by APECS, US NSF ARCSS Thermokarst Project, and the University of Canterbury to help early career polar researchers navigate their careers. For more information on the full series, visit webinars.

Presenter:Presenter: Dr. Hugues Lantuit - International Permafrost Association and Alfred Wegener Institute, Potsdam, Germany

I am a permafrost researcher originally from France. Upon completion of my French Baccalauréat, I started a Geography/Geology degree in Paris. I graduated from Université Paris 7 with a maîtrise in Physical geography and moved to Montréal, Canada to get a masters. I stayed three years at McGill University, and graduated with an MSc that had to do with the quantification of coastal erosion on Arctic coasts using remote sensing and photogrammetry. I then got an offer to come to the Alfred Wegener Institute in Potsdam to start a PhD and took it. I completed my PhD in 2008 on the impacts of climate change on Arctic coasts. My current research involves the use of geospatial, geochemical and sedimentological tools to quantify and characterize the coastal erosion occurring in permafrost regions. I am also running the secretariat of the International Permafrost Association, an exciting job for an early career researcher.??I also take part in some projects in the polar world related to specific science issues (Arctic Coastal Dynamics, SAON) and to the promotion of young scientists activities (PYRN, APECS, WAYS).

Conferences, Presentations Tips & Tricks
  • Non-specific
Career Development Webinar Series

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