APECS Webinars
APECS Webinars
Research ethics: boundaries of the “field” and limits of responsibility
Lidia Rakhmanova (Center of Sociological Research, the State Hermitage Museum, associated member of the Sociological Institute of FCTAS RAS)
(Webinar is in Russian)
This webinar is dedicated to ethics issues that arise before the researcher starting from the stage of development of the program of study, in the field, during the analysis and publication of data. We will talk about why it’s important to consider ethical principles for those scientists, for whom the main subject of research is not focused on the community itself, and how human is intertwined in connection with various natural, economic, technical, physical phenomena of the surrounding reality. How is openness to the local indigenous community linked and the language of concepts that we often speak? How to maintain a respectful distance and, at the same time, to establish partnership? What should be taken into account when betting on long-term field research in the same micro-region? Do we always take into account the needs, desires and values that are hidden in the minds of the local people, keeping in mind the practical benefits of research in the field of welfare and health of the population, as well as the development of settlements in general? What is the difference between working with the community in the Western European, American and Canadian tradition from the situation in Russian science? And, finally, how to interact with a community of local people when a community is sometimes split to parts or even absent?
- Arctic