Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


Call for Contributions 2019 Sea Ice Outlook (SIO) July report (based on May and June data)

The Sea Ice Outlook (SIO) provides an open process for those interested in Arctic sea ice to share ideas. The monthly reports contain a variety of perspectives—from advanced numerical models to qualitative perspectives from citizen scientists. Post-Season Reports will provide analysis and discussion of factors driving sea ice extent and explore the scientific methods for predicting seasonal conditions.

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Submit your Candidate for the Nordic Council Environment Prize 2019

Theme for the Nordic Council Environment Prize 2019: Initiatives that promote sustainable consumption and production by doing more and better with less. Anybody can suggest candidates for the prize - deadline is May 15, 2019. The winner will be announced in Stockholm on October 29, 2019 during the Session of the Nordic Council.

The Nordic Council Environment Prize 2019 will celebrate Nordic initiatives that through social, technological or other forms of innovation are reducing our material footprint by doing more and better with less.

The theme echoes and supports UN Sustainable Development Goal number 12, sustainable consumption and production.

Anyone can nominate a candidate, the deadline for nominations is May 15, 2019.

The candidate can be a Nordic enterprise, organisation, or individual, that operates in the Nordic Region and/or in relation to parties outside of the Nordic Region. Further, the candidate's initiative must have a Nordic perspective.

The nominees for the Prize will be announced in September, and it will be awarded for the twenty-fifth time at a ceremony in Stockholm on October 29, 2019.

The winner will receive DKK 350,000.

For more information, visit the website.

Call for Registration Applications: Next Generation Polar Research Symposium

Organizers invite applications to attend the Next Generation Polar Research Symposium. This symposium will convene 5-11 May 2019 on Catalina Island, California.

The Next Generation Polar Research Symposium is designed to train and network early career polar researchers for interdisciplinary research careers. This symposium will provide an opportunity for training to foster communication, team-building, and leadership skills with a focus on the development of interdisciplinary research. Participants from disciplines spanning the physical, biological, and social sciences will participate in dynamic networking opportunities with plenary talks, special sessions, poster sessions, and professional development training.

Applicants must have a PhD prior to application. Early career scientists (i.e., within five years of a granted PhD) from the fields of atmospheric science; marine or terrestrial ecology; or ecosystems, limnology, ice science, geosciences, policy, economics, cultural science, or other related fields will be competitively selected to attend the conference. The conference will also be attended by senior polar researchers from a variety of professions who will provide training, mentorship, and keynote talks.

Room and board on Catalina Island are provided. Participants can apply for additional funds to help defray costs of travel. Travel funding priority will be given to applications received by 11 January 2019.

Application deadline for travel funding priority: Friday, 11 January 2019
Final application deadline: 25 January 2019

For more information, go to:
Symposium homepage

Report Available: The Arctic Observing Summit: Background and Synthesis of Outcomes 2013-2016

The authors announce the release of the report, The Arctic Observing Summit: Background and Synthesis of Outcomes 2013-2016. This report summarizes the main recommendations from the first three Arctic Observing Summits (AOS), held in 2013, 2014, and 2016.

The AOS initiative originated from widespread agreement on the need to improve the coverage and coordination of pan-Arctic observing activities, and the communication and utilization of observational information to and by the widest possible audience for the purposes of basic research, problem solving, and decision-making. There is an ongoing demand to facilitate dialogue that will enable responding and adapting to Arctic environmental change and this includes the iterative development of recommendations to foster the coordination of observing activities and to improve existing Arctic observing systems.

To read or download the report, go to:
Report webpage (PDF - 3,603.48 KB)

For questions, contact:
Ravi Darwin Sankar
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: 403-220-7928


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If you are interested in providing a small voluntary membership donation that will help support our activities making sure we can continue to shape the future of polar research, please go to Donation Every small amount helps to ensure that APECS can continue providing all of its resources and programs as well as organise its activities around the world for all of our members!

Past APECS Canada Webinars

Here you can find all the past webinars hosted and orgaised by APECS Canada.

APECS Canada Online Conference

Guest speaker - Steve Fergurson: Killer whale predation in the Arctic 
Nick Pilfold: Polar bear predatory behaviour reveals seascape distribution of ringed seal lairs.
Isabel Barrio: Creating a research network to study herbivory in northern and alpine environments.
Patrick O. Englehardt: A textural and lithological examination of the Camp 26 Medial Moraine Atlin, British Columbia, Canada
Leah Beveridge: The Environmental Risks of Shipping in the Canadian Arctic, the Implications for Northerners, and a Way Forward
Guest speaker - Louis Fortier: Deciphering the ontogenic migrations of the Arctic cod using acoustics over the annual cycle in the Beaufort Sea.
Jesica Goldsmit: Early detection of non-indigenous species in ports of the Canadian Arctic: Establishing a baseline.
Matthew Gilbert: Alternative migratory strategies of Arctic char in a highly variable and changing environment.
Karen Dunmall: Arctic Salmon: Monitoring Change through Local Communities
Louise Chavarie: Fatty acid signatures and stomach contents of four sympatric Lake Trout: assessment of trophic patterns among morphotypes and spatio-temportal variability in Great Bear Lake. 

Bridging careers from Science to Policy

Eva Kruemmel and Aynslie Ogden

A focus in the interface of Arctic science & policy

Marc-André Dubois and Bob Van Dijken

Is there a role for Science in Policy?

Diane Freeman and Harry Borlase

Ten Ways to Put an Audience To Sleep and Ten Ways To Get Them Begging for More. The Elusive Art of Communicating Science.

Ed Struzik

A Data Sharing Model from the IASOA Consortium: The Scientist-Centered Approach

Sandy Starkweather 

How to present your research at an Artctic conference

pdf part 1 pdf part 2

Nikolaus Gantner and Eric Loring 

Western Arctic Research Webinar

  1.  Gabrielle Gascon:Three-dimensional changes of the stratigraphy of the accumulation area of the Devon Ice Cap, Nunavut, during a period of climate warming.
  2. Falk Huettmann:Status, overview and strategic conservation management (Marxan) of the three poles: How do we fit in?
  3. Emily ChoyIdentifying the offshore diet of the eastern Beaufort Sea belugas and the energetic effects of climate change.
  4. Adam HoubenPermafrost thaw slump effects on tundra lake limnology and Hg cycling in a warnming Arctic. 
  5. Louise Chavarie: An exceptional case of Lake Trout polymorphism: the coexistence of multiple shallow-water forms in Great Bear Lake, NT.
  6. Kristen Peck: Eating off of the same plate: interactions between a small mammal and invertebrate herbivores

Eastern Arctic Research Webinar

  1. Jean-Sebastien Moore: Describing the dispersal behaviour of Baffin Island anadromous Arctic char using a genetic assignment approach.
  2. Moritz Schmid: New perspectives in zooplankton sampling: use of in situ optical imaging to profile the vertical distributions of taxa
  3. Heather Mariash: Implications of a changing Arctic to freshwater ecosystems: adaptions to shorter ice cover.
  4. Cortney A. Watt: How adaptable are narwhal: a comparison of foraging behaviour among the world’s three narwhal populations
  5. Jennifer Provencher: Pollution and parasites; why they both matter in marine bird conservation.

 Working in/with the community and afterwards

  1. Kiah Hachey (Research Advisor, Dept. of Social & Cultural Development, Nunavut Tunngavik Inc.)
  2. Sonia Wesche (Assistant professor in the department of geography at the University of Ottawa)
  3. Deborah Simmons (Adjunct Professor in the department of Native Studies & Natural Resources Institute, University of Manitoba)  & Jean Polfus (PhD candidate at the University of Manitoba) & Walter Bayha (member of the Délı̨nę First Nation).


Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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