Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


Who's Who - Polar Acronyms

Advances in Polar Science
  • Polar Sciences
  • Arctic
  • Antarctic
  • Report / Publication
As you know, Advances in Polar Science (APS) is an international, open-access journal jointly sponsored by the Polar Research Institute of China and the Chinese Society for Oceanography, published quarterly by China Science Press, for the whole Antarctic and Arctic science community. Original papers are accepted from scientists of any nation, subject to peer review by at least two expert referees.

In the near future, we hope APS could attract more manuscripts from Polar Early Career Scientists. No cost of publication on APS will be required, owing to the generous funding from the Polar Research Institute of China.

Submissions may relate to any field including polar glaciology, polar oceanography, polar atmospheric science, polar space physics, polar geology, polar geophysics, polar geochemistry, polar biology and ecology, polar medicine, Antarctic astronomy, polar environment observation, polar engineering as well as polar information service and management. Papers should focus on the polar regions. Papers making comparisons with other regions will also be acceptable. No cost of publication will be required and all papers will be subject to normal refereeing and editing.

An entire issue of the journal may be devoted to publishing the proceedings of an Antarctic or Arctic meeting, the special research theme for an Antarctic or Arctic cruises, or the research outcome of a polar scientific program.

APS publishes Reviews, Articles, Letters,Trends, Opinion Editorial. Opinion Editorial can be a statement of the opinion of a named author or authors, with a maximum of 1500 words (a maximum length of 2 printed pages). It will provide a forum for comment on the status and/or deficiencies on any aspect of polar science, reflect on recent innovation or progress, promote internationally collaborative polar science projects, etc. It will be directly reviewed by EICs with final decision without peer review by expert referrers.

You can see detail on APS’s website: .
We encourage you share this announcement with your colleagues.

Thank you for your interest and support in advance.

Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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