Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


Who's Who - Polar Acronyms

Sámediggi - Saami Parliament of Finland
The Sami Parliament of Finland (Finnish: Saamelaiskäräjät, Northern Sami: Sámediggi) is the representative body for people of Sami heritage in Finland. Some of the responsibilities of the Finnish Sámi Parliament include matters related to the languages and culture of the Sámi, and also their status as an indigenous people. The Finnish Sámi Parliament distributes the funds it receives, and can also sponsor bills and release statements on matters that fall under its jurisdiction. The Finnish Sámi Parliament is a separate branch of the Ministry of Justice and is an independent legal body subject to public law with its own governing body, accountants and auditors. The parliament has working groups for education and education material, Sami livelihood and rights, culture, social issues and health, elections, and the Sami language.

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APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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