Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


Since the completion of the IPY EOC Assessment the committee has been working at spreading the word about the project and what we learned. Below you will find a list of presentaions (both talks and posters) that committee members have given at a number of international conferences.

Here is a list of presentations about the IPY EOC Assessment Project:

Provencher JF, Baseman JL, Carlson D, Timm K (2011). The IPY Education, Outreach and Communication Assessment: How IPY is shaping the future of science outreach (invited talk). AGU, San Francisco, US.

Provencher JF, Baseman JL, Carlson D (2011). Cool Ideas and Advice for Effective Education and Outreach (poster). ICSU General Assembly Meeting, Rome, Italy.

Provencher JF, Baseman JL, Carlson D (2011). Lessons learned from science communication during the latest IPY (talk). Arctic Frontiers, Tromsø, Norway.

Bold indicates presenter.

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APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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