Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


ipy logoThe latest International Polar Year (2007-2009; IPY) was a huge success in many ways with education, outreach and communication (EOC) an important part of that success. After the close of IPY there were many lessons to learn from the numerous EOC efforts that took place around the globe. Recognizing IPY EOC as an important area that the world of science could learn from Jenny Baeseman (APECS) and Dave Carlson (UNAVCO, formerly IPY IPO) spearheaded an inventory and assessment of the IPY EOC activites conducted in 2010 and 2011.

In total over 550 projects were inventoried in over 70 countries. Activities, projects and programmes spanned the globe in more than 25 languages. The results of this study are the only known inventory and assessment of global IPY EOC activities to date. You can view the various project products below including a serachable database of all the activities (the Polar Outreach catalogue) and the formal ICSU report.

Spread the word about IPY EOC lessons

Since the completion of the IPY EOC Assessment the committee has been working at spreading the word about the project and what we learned. Below you will find a list of presentaions (both talks and posters) that committee members have given at a number of international conferences.

Here is a list of presentations about the IPY EOC Assessment Project:

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IPY Outreach Assessment Report available

ipy eoc report coverOne year after the launch of the International Polar Year (IPY) Education, Outreach and Communication (EOC) Assessment Project the task of inventorying and investigating the hundreds of IPY EOC programmes that occurred during the IPY 2007-08 is now complete. Supported by APECS, IASC and SCAR, this ICSU funded project is the only global examination of what happened in outreach during IPY. The latest IPY event was one of the most ambitious polar research programmes to date, tens of thousands of scientists and students participated, but IPY also set out to involve members of the general public in active polar science endeavours on a global scale. How successful was this part of the IPY plan?

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Polar Outreach Catalogue

The Polar Outreach Catalogue is here!

Over the last several months the International Polar Year (IPY) Education, Outreach and Communication (EOC) Assessment Committee has been working to collect information on Education, Outreach and Communication projects that occurred during the 2007-2009 International Polar Year.

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IPY EOC Survey now available online!

The International Polar Year (IPY) has now come to a close. At the start of the latest IPY education, outreach and communication activities (EOC) were recognized as important components to the overall success of the biggest IPY to date. Numerous activities took place during the IPY, starting in 2007 until the official close of the IPY in 2010, on all 7 continents. Now that we have wrapped up the latest IPY, the IPY EOC Assessment Committee is trying to inventory and asses the many EOC activities and events, and your help would be much appreciated.

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Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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