Association of Polar Early Career Scientists



Polar Outreach Catalogue

Qanuqtuurniq - Finding the Balance TV Series
  • General public
Qanuqtuurniq - Finding the Balance TV series was an IPY outreach project on Inuit wellness with a focus on findings and lessons learned from its evaluation. The series was broadcast live from Iqaluit, Nunavut, Canada, in May 2009 in the Inuit language with English open captioning and subtitles and simultaneously Web cast. A main objective of this series was to adapt and test a 'communications for change' model for exchanging knowledge from different perspectives on several wellness issues of concern to Inuit. A project team supporting healthy northern communities worked together to create the three-part, interactive circumpolar health series using multiple communication channels to explore the issues and the success stories around youth coping and endurance (resiliency), healthy men, and maternity care. The series included live broadcasts with panels of guests from the health and research communities discussing the issues and then opening the phone lines to answer questions from the communities across the north. In addition, anyone could watch the program on special Web cast sites and interact via telephone or Email.
  • Other
Inuit Tuttarvingat, National Aboriginal Health Organization, Univeristy of Alaska Anchorage, EnTheos Films
no timeline given
Inuktituk, English
Oslo Science Conference

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UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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