Polar Outreach Catalogue
Polar Outreach Catalogue
Looking for microbes in the coldest places: Engaging the public in the quests of Polar Sciences and Astrobiology
- Educators, Teachers
Key aspects of successful science education lie in the ability to capture individual interests, making the information meaningful and conveying different facets of scientific research: the excitement associated with discovery, the necessity of scientific rigor, and the vast field of unanswered questions. Aiming to fulfill those needs, with support from the Virtual Planetary Laboratory (University of Washington) and the collaboration of the Portal to the Public program at the Pacific Science Center (PSC), I developed a hands-on activity on Polar Microbiology and Astrobiology. During the activity the visitor, taking the role of a scientist, is prompted to select ?samples? from polar environments, predict abundances of microorganisms and ?process? the sample to obtain data. ?Samples? exemplified actual differences in microbial abundances, as well as the inherent limitations of exploring the Solar System.
- Curriculum materias - continuing education
- Other
School of Oceanography & Astrobiology Program, University of Washington
no timeline given
Both Poles
Yes, all of it
no timeline given
Oslo Science Conference