Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


Science BorealisCalling all Canadian Science Bloggers!!! APECS Canada and Science Borealis are teaming up to feature Canadian polar science blogs during the upcoming Polar Week during March 2014.

Science Borealis is an inclusive digital science salon featuring Canadians blogging about a wide array of scientific disciplines. Science Borealis is a one-stop shop for the public, media, educators, and policy makers to source Canadian science information. Science Borealis is built on the principles of curiosity, engagement and collaboration. The Science Borealis community is open to science bloggers located in Canada – and Canadians located abroad – who share our commitment to respect, support and encourage science communication in Canada, and engage passionately and critically with science.

APECS Canada Logo webAnd during the upcoming APECS Polar Week Science Borealis is going Polar! We are looking for bloggers and contributors to write on polar subjects to be posted and highlighted on the Science Borealis site. So if you have a blog and are interested in contributing let us know. Or are thinking about starting one, this is a great time! Or if you simply want to do some one time contributions! Either way, science blogging is a great way to exercise those communication skills, contribute to the public discussion on science, and help broaden the people's knowledge about the polar regions.

If you are interested in contributing or getting involved please contact Jennifer Provencher ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) by March 1, 2014. All posts will be featured during the polar week in mid-March 2014.

Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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