The Working Group on Integrated Assessment for the Norwegian Sea (WGINOR) at the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) is inviting for new membership.
WGINOR aims to conduct and further develop Integrated Ecosystem Assessments for the Norwegian Sea as a step towards implementing the ecosystem approach.
For this purpose, WGINOR:
- performs integrated assessment of the pelagic ecosystem in the Norwegian Sea and develops a framework for identifying important signals for management,
- utilises multi-species and ecosystem models to evaluate effects of single and multi-species harvest control rules on fishing yield and ecosystem state of the pelagic ecosystem in the Norwegian Sea
- develops forecast products (1-5 years) for ocean climate and for other ecosystem components in the Norwegian Sea
- maintains a two-way dialogue with relevant stakeholders and managers in Norway, Faroe Island, and Iceland
- regularly updates the ICES Norwegian Sea ecosystem overview
The group meets once a year - usually for one week in November - and works inter-sessionally to prepare the elements of the assessment. ICES Expert Group members do not receive direct financial support from ICES. The cost associated with participation are usually covered by home institutions. At ICES, Integrated Ecosystem Assessment (IEA) groups contribute to both science and advice. WGINOR strives to develop its science and advice in a transparent and replicable manner and to constantly improve its workflow.
WGINOR current members are predominantly natural scientists in the fields of oceanography and climate, and monitoring and ecology of phytoplankton, zooplankton, fish, marine birds and marine mammals.
WGINOR is welcoming new members. We are particularly (but not exclusively) interested in early career scientists with expertise in social, economical and management science, oceanography, underwater noise, contaminants, ecology of the mesopelagic zone, ecological forecasting, ...
Joining WGINOR provides the opportunity for networking, interacting within a multi-disciplinary scientific group, working at the science-management interface, contextualising your work in the ecosystem big-picture, and contributing to ecosystem-based management.
If you wish to join the WGINOR group, please send a short CV and a description of you interests, scientific expertise and intended contribution to WGINOR to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
More information about the work of WGINOR is available on the ICES website. The latest WGINOR report is available here.