Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


The 20th Karthaus Summerschool on Ice Sheets and Glaciers in the Climate System will (hopefully) take place from 25 May - 3 June 2022 in the South Tirolian town Karthaus, Italy.

The Karthaus Summerschool is a 10-day international course intended for early stage PhD candidates that work in glaciology-related climate projects from all over the world. The course provides the students with a thorough introduction into the dynamics of glaciers and ice sheets with a focus on ice-climate interaction. Although the course is anchored in continuum-mechanics and numerical modelling, it also provides lectures on ice-atmosphere interaction, climate of ice sheets and glaciers, glacier hydrology, ice-ocean interactions, geomorphology, and geodynamics. An important part of the course is networking and community building, for participants and teachers. The course has place for 36 students.

Application deadline: 15 January 2022

See for more information:

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Huginbakken 14
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