Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


logo smallThe EU-funded CHARTER research project is conducting a systematic map (a type of scientific review) of the evidence on long-term (centuries to millennia) variability in Arctic biodiversity. After completing the initial planning phase of the review, people with interest in the subject are now contacted to help improve the review protocol. The protocol is the formal method that will be used to find and interpret evidence.

The aim of our systematic map is to provide an as unbiased way as possible for gathering all information on long-term variability in Arctic biodiversity. The Arctic is undergoing rapid environmental change with a multitude of potential consequences for regional biodiversity. To put these changes into context and to make better predictions of future change, we need to know how Arctic biodiversity has varied in the past. A systematic map is often considered the gold standard for collating such information (you can find out more about systematic maps in additional links at the bottom of this email).

The knowledge, interest and experiences of your organisation and your members are important to us. We are now running a brief online consultation to find out:

  • Whether your organisation or members would be interested in the outcomes of our research?
  • Whether your organisation or members think our review protocol could be improved?
  • Whether your organisation or members have any relevant knowledge (e.g., literature suggestions / own experiences) that could be included in the review process?


The web consultation can be found here:

The consultation is available in multiple languages and takes about 20-30 min to complete. The deadline for the last submission is the 31st of August 2021. The consultation can be filled in anonymously, but you can register your details if you would like to have your contributions acknowledged, would like to collaborate with us, or would like to be informed about the progress and outcomes of the review. You can also contact us by email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) to discuss over email or setup an online meeting / phone call if you prefer.

We thank you in advance for your feedback and please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions.

Dr Andrew C Martin (lead reviewer) and the CHARTER palaeoecology review team

Explainers about ‘systematic reviews’ that may be of interest

Quick introduction to systematic reviews (2 min video, medical sciences):

More depth:
Interview with Neal Haddaway on systematic maps and reviews in environmental science:
6 min video of above interview:

Academic reading:
Information for authors – Collaboration for Environmental Evidence:
James et al. 2016. A methodology for systematic mapping in environmental sciences.

Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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