As an IGAC activity, CATCH ( develops the next generation of multidisciplinary atmospheric chemists with a focus on cold regions of the Earth and atmosphere-cryosphere interactions. CATCH focuses on fundamental, field, and modeling research. We realize that the current situation with limited travel means that many Early Career Researchers (ECRs) have missed out on essential opportunities to build their careers by presenting their research to and getting feedback from more senior members of the scientific community over the last year.
We have decided to focus the CATCH session at IGAC 2021 ( on ECR presentations and networking opportunities. We aim to give main opportunities for formal presentations to ECR contributions to our session. To foster a vivid and active scientific discussion in breakout rooms and panels we have the commitment of the CATCH SSC and members of the broader community to attend the CATCH focused session. We are committed to ensure that the main scientific presentations are given by ECRs to accomplish the goal of providing this opportunity at an essential moment in their research careers. Based on our recent experience with the CATCH seminar series and from our personal experience attending less effective virtual conferences, we aim to develop a format that includes an active role of the session chairs in guiding, moderating, and fostering a discussion for each early career presentation.
We therefore encourage you to send your CATCH relevant abstracts to our session at the IGAC 2021 online conference ( The members of the CATCH SSC are committed to ensuring that this conference serves senior doctoral and postdoctoral researchers in order to build their careers through an interactive conference session format. We have also found that moderated discussions in small break-out rooms can be a rewarding scientific experience.
Please forward this post to any ECR that have CATCH relevant research and encourage them to send abstracts. We know online meetings are becoming a bit exhausting. However, we also believe that this is still an essential moment in many research careers that cannot be missed.
Please mark CATCH as the relevant activity to ensure your research is part of our session. The deadline for abstracts is 15 May 2021.
With thanks,
The CATCH SSC and Co-Chairs
Photo and Author: Markus Frey on behalf of the CATCH SSC