Association of Polar Early Career Scientists

Inspiring Girls ExpeditionsThey seek 16 and 17 year old girls* for a tuition-free mini research expeditions to study at the elbows of glaciologists, oceanographers, artists and other professionals. Girls on Ice is the original expedition where girls study glaciers, volcanoes, and the alpine environment. They also now have Girls in Icy Fjords, Girls on Rock, Girls on Water, Girls in the Forest. Please share this with teachers or teenagers you know.
Applications must be started by Jan 22.

Please see the website for details on eligibility and selection criteria (note that they do not consider a student's grades in their selection process; they just want to connect with young women ready to explore their own curiosity, creativity, and courage.
See a brief video about the program: 
empowering young women through science, art, and wilderness exploration.
Funded by NSF, NASA, Alaska CASC, and donations from generous people like you!
* Inspiring Girls maintains an inclusive, gender-expansive acceptance policy. See their website for more information.

Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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