Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


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                               © Alexey Pavlov, Caroline Coch, Alice Bradley, Adrian Dahood, Elizabeth Erickson (left to right)

In our Polar and Alpine Community News we feature news from the many partners that APECS is working with, as well as other news from a variety of sources related to research in the Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine regions as well as the wider Cryosphere. Many thanks to APECS members and the wider Polar research community for contributing to this shared resources!  

If you want to submit Polar or Alpine News for this page, please use the link below. If you have any questions, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We keep only the news of the last 3 months on this page. Older news can be accessed in our Polar and Alpine News Archive

YOUMARES'14 is on the horizon!

1 Save the DATE Deniz VuralYOUMARES is an international conference for early career researchers in ocean-related fields. It serves as a platform for bachelor, master, and PhD students, as well as young ocean enthusiasts, to present ongoing research and build a network with fellow researchers worldwide.

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Launch of 2024 SCAR Ant-ICON/SC-ATS Fellowship Programme

SCAR is pleased to announce the 2024 SCAR Ant-ICON | SC-ATS science-policy fellowship programme for early-mid career researchers (EMCRs). The aim of the fellowship programme is to provide the opportunity for EMCRs to gain experience in the science-policy interface from participating in Antarctic policy forums through the preparation and potential submission of a science/policy paper based on their research, in collaboration with SC-ATS. The fellowships are open to early-mid career researchers from all SCAR member countries. Preference will be given to researchers who have not previously participated in these meetings and are actively seeking to contribute.

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INTERACT Transnational Access Call for 2024

The EU-H2020 funded INTERACT (International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic) opens a call for research groups to apply for Transnational Access and Remote Access to 38 (TA) and 26 (RA) research stations.

The current call for Transnational and Remote Access applications is open until 15th December 2023, and it is for access taking place in April -October 2024. You can find the TA/RA Call informationdescriptions of stations and their facilities, and registration to the INTERACCESS on-line application system from the INTERACT website.

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SCAR launches Science Group Fellowship Programme

Science Group Fellowships

SCAR is excited to announce a new opportunity for early and mid-career researchers: The SCAR Science Group Fellowship Programme. 

Purpose of the Fellowship 

The SCAR Science Group Fellowship Programme is designed to encourage the active involvement of early and mid-career researchers in the work of the permanent, disciplinary Science Groups (SGs) to mentor potential future SCAR leaders and promote professional development. 

A fellow will be assigned to each of the three SGs – GeosciencesLife Sciences and Physical Sciences (see also the SCAR organizational chart). This fellowship programme is funded for two years. 

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Karthaus Summerschool on Ice Sheets and Glaciers in the Climate System - Application deadline 10 January 2024

The 22nd Karthaus Summerschool on Ice Sheets and Glaciers in the Climate System will take place from 22 May - 31 May 2024 in the South Tirolian town Karthaus, Italy.

The Karthaus Summerschool is a 10-day international course intended for early stage PhD candidates that work in glaciology-related climate projects from all over the world. The course provides the students with a thorough introduction into the dynamics of glaciers and ice sheets with a focus on ice-climate interaction. Although the course is anchored in continuum-mechanics and numerical modelling, it also provides lectures on ice-atmosphere interaction, climate of ice sheets and glaciers, glacier hydrology, ice-ocean interactions, geomorphology, and geodynamics. An important part of the course is networking and community building, for participants and teachers. The course has place for 36 students.

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Get involved in the ICARP IV Research Priority Teams

IASC is seeking nominations for Arctic researchers at all career stages, as well as individuals and community leaders with knowledge, skills, and experience relevant to Arctic research planning, particularly Indigenous Knowledge Holders, to join the ICARP IV Research Priority Teams!

ICARP IV Research Priority Teams (RPT) will be set up for seven preliminary topic areas.

IASC is accepting nominations from

  • individuals wishing to nominate themselves or others for a particlular RPT; or  
  • ICARP IV partner organisations wishing to nominate a participant.

The deadline to submit nominations is on 29 September 2023The nomination form and more information about the work of the RPTs and the nomination process is available on the ICARP IV websiteFor questions, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

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CAMAS Workshop and Early-Career School

The Consortium for the Advancement of Marine Arctic Science (CAMAS) has been recently established to facilitate and enhance international collaboration on marine Arctic science. It has been motivated in part by the demonstrated need for, and accomplishments of, similar past efforts, i.e., the Forum for Arctic Ocean Modeling and Observational Synthesis (FAMOS) and the Arctic Ocean Model Intercomparison Project (AOMIP). The overall aim of CAMAS is to advance the understanding and model representation of key marine Arctic processes that contribute to the rapid changes in the Arctic. In particular, CAMAS will focus on the following themes:

  • Drivers and impacts of ocean heat and freshwater transport into and out of the Arctic
  • Ocean-ice-atmosphere interactions in a warming Arctic
  • Biophysical impacts of Arctic marine biogeochemistry
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PSECCO: Belonging, Accessibility, Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (BAJEDI) Workshop and Micro-grant opportunities

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Register for a BAJEDI Workshop with PSECCO!
October 3, 2023 from 10.00am and 1.00pm MT | 12.00pm to 4.00pm ET | 8.00am to 10.00am AKT
PSECCO is excited to announce its second Belonging, Accessibility, Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (BAJEDI) Workshop specifically designed for polar early career scientists. This free online workshop will be run via Zoom by the excellent folks at THRIVE Lifeline in conjunction with PSECCO.
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Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

Our Sponsors

APECS Directorate Sponsor
Further Sponsors and Partners for APECS projects, activities and events