Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


On the 2nd of November, the XIV APECS Portugal Workshop was held at the Institute Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, with the theme "Lost in Communication: How to improve the ECRs Communication Skills". This workshop preceded the Portuguese Polar Conference held on the 3rd of November.

Unknown XIV Workshop APECS Portugal November 2023 Débora Carmo

We were honoured to have the following invited speakers — Dr. Heïdi Sevestre (University of St. Andrews), Dr. Sophie Weeks (Polar Educators International), Prof. José Xavier (University of Coimbra), Prof. Zita Martins (Institute Superior Técnico), Dr. Nuno Vasco Rodrigues (Institute Polytechnic Leiria) and Dr. Rúben Oliveira (University of Lisbon) — who gave diverse, rich, and enthusiast talks.

Although not all of the speakers work in the polar regions, there were two topics which united us all together and were the focus of our workshop: science and communication. Each speaker stressed the importance of communication, whether it be through speech, photos or writing, as increasingly essential to this new generation of polar scientists. It was extremely worthwhile to gain insights from all of the speakers.

The event also had other moments of fun with a quiz about the polar regions and networking during the lunch and coffee breaks. We would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone involved, and especially the partner entities, APECS International, Institute Superior Técnico of the University of Lisbon and PROPOLAR for their support in organizing yet another awesome workshop. We'll see you all next year!

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UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
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